Safe & Responsible Use of Veterinary Medicines

Awarding Body: City & Guilds NPTC

Target audience: 

§  Stockperson

§  Any person handling veterinary medicines


Prove your competence in handling medication for animals with the Awards in Veterinary Medicines. For the Level 2 qualification, you'll show you have the skills and knowledge to safely store, administer, dispose of and maintain veterinary medicines. The course covers cattle and sheep however if you required other species please get in touch. This qualification is for anyone who works with or wants to work with veterinary medicines. You'll typically be in a role such as farmer, farm worker, kennel worker or veterinary nurse.

Course sessions:

§  Responsibly use veterinary medicines

§  Safely store and administer veterinary medicines

§  Signs of health and ill health in animals

§  Storage and transport of veterinary medicines

§  Administer veterinary medicines

§  Record keeping

Duration: ½ day

Equipment Required:

§  Work boots

§  Work clothes/overalls

§  Waterproof clothing

§  Lunch

Prerequisites: None required but previous experience of working with livestock would be advantageous.

Funding Available: Yes


For more details or to enquire about costs and availability please contact Jimmy Hughes Services on 01597 850080 or